Friday, September 19, 2008


Do Now: What are the two most important things that you know about Shakespeare and the period?
-Age of Renaissance
-Elizabethan Era (Golden Age)

Analyze and identify a Shakespearean Sonnet
Sonnet 29 print out the poem or copy and paste it in a word document, then illustrate/write the rhyme scheme at the end of each line.

When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes, a
I all alone beweep my outcast state, b
And trouble deaf Heaven with my bootless cries, a
And look upon myself, and curse my fate, b
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, c
Featur'd like him, like him with friends possess'd, d
Desiring this man's art, and that man's scope, c
With what I most enjoy contented least: d
Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising, e
Haply I think on thee,--and then my state f
(Like to the lark at break of day arising e
From sullen earth) sings hymns at heaven's gate; f
For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings g
That then I scorn to change my state with kings'. g

Write a brief paragraph on what you think is the meaning of the poem.
-I think that the poem is about a man that feels he is an outcast. he feels because of the title that may be attracted to his name and when he feels that way all he does is think about his beloved.

Think about two questions that you would like to discuss about this poem and write it in your journal/notebook.
Now pass your journals around your table and have your peers answer the questions.
1)What do you think line 3 means?
-I think that it means he crying out to God in the heavens and since he fells alone and unanswered he think God is ignoring him.
2)What do you think line 14 means?
-Mainly I think it saying since he has fortune and is wealthy. He is marked as forever as in the noble class in which he can't change.

Cooperative Learning:
Thematic Question

What is the overall theme of this sonnet? Cite supporting lines from the sonnet
-It is state in mind. The Way he thinks of himself. He feels like an outcast as stated in line 2. But when he thinks about it as stated in line 1.
Is this a Love Poem or Self Pity Poem? Cite supporting lines from the sonnet
-I think it is a Self Pity Poem line 2 states he feels alone. Line 3 and 4 states that he feels anger and abandoned. Line 5 - line7 states that he wishes to be like someone with a better life.

Compare & Contrast:
How is this sonnet different from Sonnet 18?

-Sonnet 18 talks about his beloved. Sonnet 29 talks about his state of mind and when he thinks of this he thinks about his beloved. Then everything seems fine.

Analytical Question:
What changes the speaker’s mood? What do you think are the speaker’s strongest feelings in this sonnet?

-When the speaker thinks about his beloved the speaker mood changes. The speakers strongest feelings is that even through he finds the thoughts despising he just thinks about his beloved then he feels better.

Literary Analysis:
What literary techniques/devices are evident in Sonnet 29?

-Simile, Imagery

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