Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Sonnet

For the next 14 days you will complete your sonnet. Start by giving your sonnet a title, then write the first line Due tomorrow. You will leave a working copy for me and keep one in your journals. Of course your Sonnet must closely mimic Shakespeare’s. Have Fun with this.

Fall Begins Again
1.As all great things come to an end a
2.Children return for a brand new school year b
3.New teachers, classes and a brand new friend a
4.When its all over everyone shall cheer b
5.But for now we must wait for a while c
6.As we wait there will be new adventures d
7.Writing, Reading and others in denial c
8.Many stay near while others start their departures d
9.Everyone must change their schedules e
10.Long hours of studying and homework f
11.No time to hang out so we must schedule e
12.Nonstop assignments, so busy with work f
13.Once again all great things will begin g
14.All the children will have the biggest grin g

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