Friday, September 19, 2008


Aim: How can Shakespeare's sonnet 116 relates to our personal lives?
Do Now: Write about a time when a best friend's personal flaws got in the way of your friendship. Or, have you ever stopped seeing/loving someone (friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, family, etc.) because of a personal flaw?
- I had a friend that had a bad flaw. She can be the sweetest person in the world, but sometimes she had the biggest mouth. When someone got her mad or got on her bad side she will tell people their secrets or even make rumors about them.

Sonnet 116
Write a brief paragraph on what you think is the meaning of the poem.
-I think that the sonnet is about a person that may have many flaws. The speaker will bear it and will not stop loving the person.
Think about two questions that you would like to discuss about this poem and write it in your journal/notebook
1.What do you think Line 11 means?
2.Why do you think the speaker write this sonnet?

Cooperative Learning:
Thematic: What is the overall Theme of this sonnet? Cite supporting lines from the sonnet
-The overall theme will be that love should last forever.
Literary Analysis: Look carefully at lines 5-8 notice any metaphors?
-There is a metaphor on line 7.

Think About: What kind of person might the speaker be? The likely age of such a person. The experiences that such a person might have had.
-The speaker might be a person who has experience
a life time of love and may know what true love is.
Do you think the speaker’s concept of love is realistic? Why or Why not?
-I think the speakers concept of love is realistic because he knows no matter if that person had flaws he love the person forever.

Connect: What is the ONE flaw that could turn you away from a person? What do you think you can do to overlook this flaw (if you are willing)?
- One flaw that turn me away is if the person talks about themselves to much. I can always try to change the subject.

Mechanics: Scan this sonnet -----/-----/ with stress and unstressed

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