Friday, September 19, 2008


We have read the following poems Shakespearean sonnets:
Sonnet XVIII, Sonnet 29, 116, and 130 (audio)

Do Now: Recall Shakespeare’s poems above and write a brief commentary on the
portrayal of women in the Renaissance. You can look at the images and think about whether they seem idealized or realistic.
-I think that it is idealized because they are wearing to much makeup and there to dress up.The wealth people will be able to dress that way and not everyone will be able to dear that way.

How does the portrayal of women in the paintings of the period compare with the portrayal of women today such as Tyra Banks, Lindsay Lohan, Queen Latifah, Jesse Randhawa, Marilyn Monroe, Jane Seymour?
-The woman in the paintings are more conservative then the women of today. The women today wear less clothing. The Renaissance women are dressed up more with more clothing and doesn't show legs.

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