Friday, September 26, 2008

Sept. 26

Homework: POST ON YOUR BLOGS The following links to a synopsis of Shakespeare's Othello. Please read Carefully and do the following: Sort by Acts and Scenes:

Roderigo: a gentleman who has been courting Desdemona and who is upset that she eloped with Othello.

Iago: a soldier under Othello’s command. He hates the Moor because of Michael Cassio.

Desdemona: the daughter of Brabantio, Roderigo has been courting her and eloped with Othello.

Othello: a great Moorish warrior who is now the general in the service of the ruler of Venice.

Michael Cassio: a soldier but was promoted to lieutenant instead of Iago. He is an old and beloved friend of Othello.

Brabantio: the father of Desdemona.

Duke: The official authority.

Montono: the Venetian governor.

Emilia: Iago’s wife who came to Cyprus to look after Desdemona.

Clown: a servant to Othello.

Bianca: Cassio’s lover.

Lodovico: Desdemona’s kinsman.

Act I, Scene I
Setting: The play opens a warm Venetian night where Roderigo and Iago were having a conversation. Then it moves to Brabantio’s property (His window, below his window, Desdemona’s room and the street).

Exposition: (Act I, Scene I) The play opens a warm Venetian night. There is a conversation underway between Roderigo and Iago. Iago reveals that he only remains on Othello’s service to facilitate his plans on revenge.

Act I, Scene II
Setting: The scene opens on a Venetian street where Iago has joined Othello and his attendants. Then Brabantio, Roderigo enters and Brabantio lashes out at Othello.

Act I, Scene III
Setting: The Council Chamber where the Duke and his senators gather.

Act II, Scene I
Setting: In Cyprus in a seaport where Montono, and his friends discuss a tempest that might destroy the Turkish Fleet. Iago, Desdemona, Roderido, and Iago’s wife landed on the ship.

Act II, Scene II
Setting: On a street in Cyprus a messenger announced the great victory feast and party that Othello planned.

Act II, Scene III
Setting: The great hall of the castle where Othello, Desdemona and Cassio speak briefly about lago. Iago and Cassio partake in a glass of wine. Roderigo and Cassio get into sword fight. Cassio gets dismissed for duty. Iago tells Cassio to talk to Desdoemona to restore friendship.

Act III, Scene I
Setting: Outside the castle where Cassio gathers some musicians in hopes of putting Othello in a good mood. Outside Desdemona’s chamber where Cassio asked Emilia to grant him access to visit Desdemona.

Act III, Scene II
Setting: Othello plans to inspect some parts of the fortifications that were build by his troops.

Rising Action: (Act I, Scene I - Act III, Scene II) Iago reveals his plans on revenge on Othello. He plans Cassio to lose his position as lieutenant and to breakup Othello and Desdemona. By making it seem like Desdemona is unfaithful.

Act III, Scene III
Setting: The garden of the castle where Cassio asks Desdemona to speak to Othello and convince him that he is still trustworthy solider and friend.

Climax: (Act III, Scene III) Iago’s plan comes to effect. Othello returns to the castle and Iago states the Cassio just parted from his wife. Iago starts to fill Othello with lies that Cassio’s ulterior motive has long been to have an affair with Desdemona. He heard Desdemona profess her love to Cassio and he has seen Cassio with Desdemona’s handkerchief. Iago also fills his head with insecurities like reminding Othello that Cassio is younger, more handsome and that he is a white Venetian citizen. Othello chooses the words of Iago over his trust in his wife. Othello kneels before Iago and takes a vow of revenge.

Act III, Scene IV
Setting: In front of the castle where Desdemona and Emilia meet the Clown.

Act IV, Scene I
Setting: On the grounds of the castle where Iago and Othello continue their discussion of Desdemona’s adultery.

Act IV, Scene II
Setting: A room of the castle where Othello questions Emilia about her knowledge of Desdemona’s affair.

Act IV, Scene III
Setting: In another room where Othello is with Desdemona, Emillia and Lodovico.

Act V, Scene I
Setting: Out on the street where Iago positions Roderigo to ambush Cassio.

Act V, Scene II
Setting: Desdemona’s Bedchamber in the castle.

Falling Action: (Act V, Scene II) Othello realizes that Iago has mad false statements and has made him kill his wife.

Resolution: (Act V, Scene II) Othello stabs Iago only to wound him. Othello stabs himself and dies next to Desdemona.

Conflicts: Many of the conflicts were Man vs. Man
Iago vs. Othello
Iago vs. Cassio
Brabantio vs. Othello

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