Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sept. 23

Aim: What are some of the major elements of drama?
Do Now: What comes to mind when you hear the word drama?
-Plays, children, ch.11
-Mimics Life
-Comedy and Tragedy
-Crimes and Love

Let’s Brainstorm.
What is a play?
-A type of literature that is mainly written by a playwright.
What is involved in a play?
-Actors, conflict, setting, script, and costumes.
Where was Shakespeare’s plays staged?
-The Globe Theater
Who did he write his plays for?
-For the Queen
Who was his audience?
-All the people
Who were the actors/resses?
-The men
How were the characters dressed?
-The characters they played
How did they speak?
Can we plot a play? Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution.
What do you think was the cultural background of the actors/resses? Any people of color?
-No, they were white.
How many of Shakespeare’s plays have you read or know about?
-Romero and Juliet
Have you ever seen an On/Off Broadway play?
Do you like plays? Why or Why not?
-I like plays because the customs they have, the way they amuse you, the singing and over all they entertain you.

Cooperative Learning:
Okay from what you already know, and learned now tell me if you had to put on a play what kind of play would it be, and what would be involved in putting on your play?
Here is a topic: that you can work on “if you see something say something” Now if this was the name of your play what monologue/dialogue would you expect or write for this play?

“If you see something say something”
Marya: "Hey guys take a look at the creepy man in the train."
Stephanie: "Oh my gosh, that's a huge coat he's wearing on a hot summer day."
Juanita: "Ha Ha Ha Ha"
Nahida: "Hey guys why is he looking at us.''
Stephanie: " Maybe we should go before something happens."
Marya: " Yea maybe we should."
Juanita: " I think he's following us, maybe we should run."
Nahida: "No because then we are going to look like crazy people. Let's juts tell someone because we saw something."

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