Monday, December 1, 2008

Dec.1- 2

Aim: How important is Wilde's credo "Art for Art sake" in Chapter six and What is the difference between Love and infatuation?
Do Now: begin a journal entry with I have been infatuated with... and the reason why.
- I am infatuated with a friend of mine because he got a great fun personality, he is a sweet guy and he always makes me laugh.

Why does Lord Henry feels there is a class conflict between Dorian and Sibyl?
-Dorian is of upper class and Sibyl is not of upper class she is an upcoming actress.

How can we compare and contrast both Sibyl and Dorian to Shakespeare's Juliet and Romeo?
-Juliet and Romeo's family doesn't wants them to be together. Jim and Lord Henry don't want them to be together.

Interpret:"I represent to you all the sins you have never had the courage to commit" (Lord Henry)
-Lord Henry represents the devil and has committed far more sin than Dorian will ever have the courage to commit.

Literary Device/techniques:
How is Dorian's feelings about Sibyl ironic?
- Dorian feels for Sibyl is ironic because Dorian likes Sibyl the Actress not Sibyl the person.

How is the physical description of Sibyl a foreshadowing of her bad performance?
-"white lily" was said in the text which foreshadows a death.

What allusions are referenced/cited in these chapters?
Chapter 6: Messalina, narcissus, Forest of Arden, orchard in Verona, prig, puritan and medieval times.

Chapter 7: Miranda, Caliban, Romero and Juliet, Rosalind and Orlando, Portia, Beatrice and Cordelia.

DAY 2 (Dec.2)
How Does Dorian describes Sibyl's acting?
- Dorian said that Sibyl's acting was"horribly!It was dreadful. Are you ill?"

How is Aestheticism and Decadence evident in Chapter six?
- Aestheticism is evident in chapter six because Dorian describes how beautiful Sibyl looked in boy clothes. Decadence is evident in chapter six because Dorian love for Sibyl ends due to her bad acting.

Critical Thinking:
How is Sibyl's acting like bad art?
-Sibyl's acting was like bad art because acting can be considered art. People will see it and show their approval or disapproval of it.

Is Dorian truly in love with Sibyl or is he simply infatuated with her and WHY?
-Dorian wasn't truly in love with Sibyl he was simply infatuated with her acting.

Cooperative Learning:
How is Homosexuality, Aestheticism, and Decadence evident in chapters six and seven? Cite sources.
use a four column chart to illustrate your findings.

Key Term



Work Cited


Pursuit of beauty

Dorian described Sibyl’s beauty. “She had never seemed to me more exquisite … a born artist.”

Chapter 6

Page 80


Decline of beauty

Dorian described Sibyl’s bad acting. “It was simply bad art. She was a complete failure.”

Chapter 7

Page 88


Love or attraction with same gender

Dorian described the way Sibyl looked in boy clothes. ”When she came on in her boy’s clothes she was perfectly wonderful … dull red.

Chapter 6

Page 80

Share out!
Research: Analyze Dorian's relationship with Sibyl in the light of three very different mythological motifs: the stories of Actaeon and Artemis, Narcissus and Echo, and Adonis and Venus.

Actaeon and Artemis: Artemis was bathing and Actaeon spied on her. Artemis was enraged and turned Actaeon into a stag. He was pursued and killed by his own hounds.

Narcissus and Echo: Echo falls in love with Narcissus. Narcissus rejects Echo's love and wastes away. Narcissus then wastes away after falling deeply in love with himself.

Adonis and Venus:

infatuation: A foolish, unreasoning, or extravagant passion or attraction.
virtues: Moral excellence and righteousness; goodness.
incorrigible:Incapable of being corrected or reformed
pompous: Characterized by excessive self-esteem or exaggerated dignity; pretentious
spiritualize: To impart a spiritual nature to
interminable: Being or seeming to be without an end; endless
fiasco: A complete failure.
profanation: The act or an instance of profaning; desecration
anodyne: Capable of soothing or eliminating pain.
illusion: An erroneous perception of reality

Day II Homework:
Note the literary Devices:
Similes- hair clustered round face like dark leaves around a play rose;
she trembled like a white narcissus;
her body a play sways in the water;
drunkards chattering like a monstrous apes.
Personification- Nature.

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