Thursday, November 20, 2008

November 20

Objective: Students will analyze text and describe the characters in Chapters 1 and 2. Students will conduct online research of mythological Greek figures, then synthesize the information by connecting it to character(s) in the text.

Lord Henry Wotton: How is he a manipulator and an initiator?
- Lord Henry is manipulator and an initiator because is able to change the minds of others to his beliefs.

What kind of cigarettes does he smoke? Is this a hint of a decadent lifestyle?
-The kind of cigarettes he smoked was heavy opium tainted cigarettes. It can be a hind of a decadent lifestyle that he was rich.

How is he cynical?
-Lord Henry is cynical because he does whatever he wants and he is able to make people change their mind to benefit is beliefs.

Basil Hallward: Cite his reaction to his painting of Dorian Gray?
- Basil feels that it is the finest piece of work he has done.

How has he violated the code of an artist according to Wilde's preface?

He obviously sees in Dorian absolute beauty and harmony. Identify where in the passages.

What is the main conflict in this paragraph?
- Basil does want to display his painting, but Lord Henry says he should.

Online Research: Use your laptops to do the following:
Post on your Blogs:
Research and Correlate the allusions with traits and circumstances surrounding Dorian Gray: get an image of each and write your own synopsis.


Image of Allusion
Cite your source

Description of allusion

Traits and circumstances surrounding Dorian Gray

Adonis (Greek Mythology),

The most beautiful of young men.

In the book it is said that Dorian is a handsome man.


The goddess of love, beauty and fertility.

Dorian is concerted handsome and he seems to attract people to him.


The man that had fallen in love with his own reflection.

Dorian is handsome and he starts to realize that he is a good looking person,



Free write on Prediction:
What will be Lord Henry's influence on Dorian Gray?
- Lord Henry’s influence on Dorian Gray will be bad. Lord Henry will probably change the way Dorian Gray Acts and feels toward Basil.

Petulant- rude in speech or behavior
Philanthropy- goodwill to fellowmen: active effort to promote human welfare
Paradox- a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.
Caprice- an impulsive change in mind
Panegyric- a eulogistic oration or writing: formal or elaborate praise
Candour- Frankness or sincerity of expression; openness
Fidelity- Faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances
Physiology- The biological study of the functions of living organisms and their parts.

Literary Elements:
“Looks as if he was made out of ivory and rose-leaves.”
“Like a blue thread a long thin dragon-fly floated past on its brown gauze wings"
“Blue cloud-shadows chased themselves across the grass like swallows”

“Beauty so flame-like”
“She is a peacock in everything but beauty”
“She took it into her head to lionize me.

Analyze the symbolism of Dorian Gray's first appearance in the novel and let's discuss his physical description, his actions towards Basil, and the change in him when Lord Henry arrives.
- Dorian’s physical description is that he is handsome. He listens and does what Basil says but when Lord Henry arrives there is a change. Dorian starts to think differently after having a conversation with Lord Henry.

Any reference to Music?

Examine the interaction between Lord Henry and Dorian.
Cause and Effect: What is Dorian's response to his finished portrait?
- Dorian’s reaction to the finished portrait was that he was sad. The picture will remain young and he will grow older. The picture will stay beautiful and he will grow old and get ugly.

Compare and contrast: Basil and Lord Henry and identify their conflict.
- Basil is a good influence on Dorian but when compared to Lord Henry he is a bad influence because he made Dorian chance.

Online Research: Correlate the allusions with Dorian Gray:
Hermes: The god of commerce, invention, cunning, and theft, who also served as messenger, scribe, and herald for the other gods.
Faun: Any of a group of rural deities represented as having the body of a man and the horns, ears, tail, and sometimes legs of a goat.

Free Write on Prediction: How will Dorian's friendship with Lord Henry change his relationship with Basil?
-Dorian’s relationship with Lord Henry will change his relationship with Basil because Dorian will want to spend more time with Lord Henry and Basil may be left out.

Homework on Chapter 2:

Objective: Students would read Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray preface and focus on Wilde's view of art.
Aim: What is Wilde's view of "art" in the preface?

Why is this a manifesto about the purpose of Art, the role of the artist, and the value of beauty?
- This manifesto about the purpose of art, the role of the artist and the value of beauty because the book maybe about art and how art effected the role of the artist and the value of beauty.

How does he define both artist and critic?
- The artist is the creator and the critic is a translator of what the picture means to him.
What do you think he meant by saying "a book can be moral or immoral?
- I think that a book can be moral or immoral depending on your beliefs. If you believe is certain things than it is moral and if you don’t it is immoral.

Interpret: "Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril." Is this a warning of some kind?
- I think that it means that certain people choose to express their feelings with art. I think it is a warning to people that doesn’t like to express their feels though art, but it is up to you.

Interpret: "It is the spectator, and not life, that art really mirrors."
- Art shows what the artist sees though their eyes.

Explain whimsical last line: "All art is quite useless.
- Art is quite useless because it is not met to be seen by everyone unless they want it to be shown. Art can show someone’s feelings.

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